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Digital content with computer use skills  informatics and technologies  information for the benefit of each student.

CSP Computer Science 1st Junior High School

  • Temary:

    Unit 1.Document format
    Unit 2 and 3. Styles / Page layout
    Unit 4 and 5. Printing / Tables
    Unit 6 and 7. Images and Graphics / Flowcharts and Diagrams
    Unit 8 and 9. Templates / Mail Merge
    Unit 10, 11 and 12. Schematics / Master documents / Tables of contents, illustrations and indexes
    Unit 13 and 14. Markers, cross references and footnotes / Security
    Unit 15 and 16. Macros / Sharing documents
    Unit 17, 18 and 19. Word and internet / Web pages with Word / Post to a blog with Word

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