Digital content by school grade, through the use of teaching materials based on basic concepts of robotics , strengthening the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Science. (INCLUDES KIT 779 of pieces for the assembly of all the lessons)
Robotati-K Sixth Grade
Lesson 1. Simple machines
Lesson 2. Mirrors
Lesson 3. Quadrilaterals
Lesson 4. Angles
Lesson 5. Cartesian plane
Lesson 6. Scale
Lesson 7. Units and decimals
Lesson 8. Fractions and decimals
Lesson 9. Polygons and polyhedra
Lesson 10. Counting: tree diagram
Lesson 11. Wind energy
Lesson 12. Absolute and relative values
Lesson 13. ...A part of a whole
Lesson 14. Probability
Lesson 15. Numbers