ROBOTING 1st STAGE digital content, introductory knowledge to the world of robotics, understanding of Simple Machines, fundamentals for construction and mechanical understanding of any robot. (INCLUDES KIT of 399 pieces for the assembly of all the lessons)
RoboSTEM High School
Lesson 1. In the near future
Lesson 2. Robots
Lesson 3. Inclined plane
Lesson 4. Screws make our work more
Lesson 5. Every screw has a job to do
Lesson 6. Every inclined plane has a job to do
Lesson 7. Levers
Lesson 8. Mechanical advantage of a lever
Lesson 9. Second class levers
Lesson 10. The fishing rod
Lesson 11. A vehicle with levers
Lesson 12. Wheels and axles
Lesson 13. Wheels and axles make work easier
Lesson 14. Levers, wheels and axles
Lesson 15. The windmill
Lesson 16. The carousel
Lesson 17. Pulleys
Lesson 18. Use of pulleys
Lesson 19. The pulley and its mechanical advantage
Lesson 20. Mobile pulley
Lesson 21. The pulley block
Lesson 22. The crane
Lesson 23. Gears
Lesson 24. Let's start with gears
Lesson 25. Spur gears
Lesson 26. Helical gears
Lesson 27. The differential
Lesson 28. The clock