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Digital content by school grade,  through the use of teaching materials based on  robotics basics ,  strengthening the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Biology and Science. (INCLUDES KIT 555 of pieces for the assembly of all the lessons)

Robotati-K Fourth of Primary

  • Temary:

    Lesson 1. Geometric bodies
    Lesson 2. The Cartesian plane
    Lesson 3. Circumference and circle
    Lesson 4. Probability
    Lesson 5. On the number line
    Lesson 6. Fractions
    Lesson 7. Angles and degrees
    Lesson 8. Polygons
    Lesson 9. Perimeter
    Lesson 10. Area of the square and the rectangle
    Lesson 11. Respiratory system
    Lesson 12. Lines
    Lesson 13. Reflection and refraction of light
    Lesson 14. Electrification
    Lesson 15. Rotation and translation movements

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